

OBSAH 5/2017

Názory a diskuse

  • Recenzovaný článek
    Karel Maier, Daniel Franke

    Trends in Czech settlement structure in the context of polycentric development, by Karel Maier & Daniel Franke

    The article is an analysis of developments of the settlement structure in the Czech Republic as seen from the perspective of well-balanced polycentrict development. Analysis is performed on changes that occurred in the 1990s and the first decade of the 21th century in municipalities and Regions and in the development areas and development axes defined by spatial planners. The study makes use of data resulting from the 1991, 2001 and 2011 censuses of population, housing, economic activity and job movement and the CORINE Land Cover 1990, 2000 and 2012 geographical data on land use. The analysis shows strong spatial polarization, which barely corresponds with the demarcation of development areas and development axes. Based on current developments in these areas in terms of housing and workplace locations, some tended to be identified as areas of potential development and others as areas of problematic development. Also, discrepancies were discovered in the demarcation: there are areas in which realistic space for development is much smaller than that demarcated and, on the contrary, areas in which the housing function exceeds their demarcation.

  • Recenzovaný článek
    Pavel Raška, Lenka Slavíková, Miroslav Kopáček, Veronika Hrnčířová

    Feasibility of flood control measures from the viewpoint of mayors of small municipalities, by Pavel Raška, LenkaSlavíková, Miroslav Kopáček and Veronika Hrnčířová

    This article describes how mayors of small settlements comment on the feasibility of spatial measures of flood control. The opening part outlines current trends and framework conditions, particularly those anchored in legislation. Based on semi-structured interviews with mayors of 17 municipalities located in areas subject to extreme flooding we learned about opinions on flood risk as related to the development of villages. Also, the mayors commented on the efficiency of measures that have already been implemented. The key result of the survey is an assessment of various types of burdens perceived by the mayors as crucial for the feasibility of flood control measures. They think that the implementation of flood control measures is greatly complicated by the limits of competences in the purview of municipalities. Other burdens include a lack of finance and unclear distribution of responsibilities for flood control measures among various participants. For this reason, in its conclusion the article suggests paying attention to supportive tools for coordination and the decision-making role of municipalities in the implementation of flood control measures.

    Jiří Ježek

    Strategic planning by municipalities in the Czech Republic: Quo vadis? by Jiří Ježek

    The aim of this article is to analyse attitudes that representatives of Czech municipalities adopt towards strategic planning. The content framework is given by the ongoing European discussion on the position of strategic planning in society and by the quest for ways to integrate two contradictory planning models: comprehensive planning and disjointed incrementalism. Research has shown that in the Czech Republic an instrumental approach to strategic planning as a rational process which looks to take the best steps for the accomplishment of goals is predominant. Only 20% of respondents emphasize the procedural and political character of strategic planning, claiming it is impossible to plan today the way it was in the era of planning euphoria, and that it is necessary to look for planning procedures that increase action readiness and promote strategic plans. In general, there is a lot of scepticism towards plan-based and strategic attitudes in the Czech Republic, which is reflected in the fact that many municipalities fulfil their planning requirements as a formality only.

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